Remember: You have been blessed so that you CAN BE A BLESSING TO OTHERS!
Please, take the time to read, pray, and then think about HOW YOU CAN GET INVOLVED.
Reflect with me on the following: During the period after WWI and now, the USA has more positively impacted the entire world than ALL prior empires in the history of human civilization on Planet Earth. This was done mainly because the first immigrants/pioneers believed in God's purpose for their lives on earth, and they gave it their best to benefit others. Billions/not millions of people in every country on earth have benefited from what America contributed/continues to contribute to the rest of the world.
Therefore, the challenge is simply: CONTEMPLATE ON WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU? Not for SELF benefit, but for benefiting others. Please, seriously consider and JOIN me as a member in the USA ROOTS Foundation
It is up to us We The People to help RESTORE AMERICA TO ITS ROOTS.